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  • 10K Preset

    10K Preset

    Preset 10k ω (ohm) variable resistor are the device used in electronics where adjustment must be made during manufacturing or servicing which can be adjusted from minimum to maximum value within a single turn which consist of three terminal pins and provides fixed value of resistance that block or resist the flow of electrical current around the circuit are used to control electrical device such as volume controls and audio equipment.

  • 5k Potentiometer

    5k Potentiometer

    5k potentiometer is a three terminal resistor with a sliding or rotating contact. It is standard type potentiometer with Knurled Shaft. The shaft has metal construction.  It can also be used as variable resistor or rheostat when only two terminals are use. This module is mostly used to control electrical devices such as volume controls on audio equipment’s and many more.

  • 5k Preset

    5k Preset

    Preset 5k ω (ohm) variable resistor used for variating voltage as per the need in a circuit. It has 3 pcb mountable with 3 terminal pins. It can be adjusted from minimum to maximum value within a single turn which consist of three terminal pins. It helps to resist  flow of electrical current around the circuit. The preset are mostly used to control electrical device such as volume controls and audio equipment.

  • 100K Preset

    100K Preset

    Preset 100k ω (ohm) variable resistor used for variating voltage as per the need in a circuit. It has 3 pcb mountable with 3 terminal pins. It can be adjusted from minimum to maximum value within a single turn which consist of three terminal pins. It helps to resist  flow of electrical current around the circuit. The preset are mostly used to control electrical device such as volume controls and audio equipment.

  • AMS 1117 IC SMD
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    AMS 1117 IC SMD

     The AMS 1117 IC SMD series is commonly used on various board to adjust and fix the voltage regulators. It replace the LM1117 3.3V. It has package of SOT-223. It has features like noise rejection, transient response output, current limiting.

  • 10K Potentiometer

    10K Potentiometer

    10k potentiometer is a three terminal resistor with a sliding or rotating contact. It is standard type potentiometer with Knurled Shaft. The shaft has metal construction.  It can also be used as variable resistor or rheostat when only two terminals are use. This module is mostly used to control electrical devices such as volume controls on audio equipment’s and many more.

    1. Resistance: 10k Ω.
    2. Tolerance: 20%.
    3. Shaft Length: 15mm.
  • 100K Resistor

    100K Resistor

     The resistor is used to reduce the flow of current, divide voltages, adjust signal levels and many more. This 100k resistor has colour code of Brown , Black ,Black ,Orange and Brown .

  • 12K Resistor
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    12K Resistor

     The resistor is used to reduce the flow of current, divide voltages, adjust signal levels and many more. This 12k resistor has colour code of Brown , Red , Black , Red and Brown 

  • 470K Resistor

    470K Resistor

     The resistor is used to reduce the flow of current, divide voltages, adjust signal levels and many more. This 470k resistor has colour code of Yellow , Purple , Black , Orange and  Brown 

  • 270K Resistor
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    270K Resistor

     The resistor is used to reduce the flow of current, divide voltages, adjust signal levels and many more. This 270k resistor has colour code of Red , Purple , Black , Orange  and Brown 

  • 3.3K Resistor

    3.3K Resistor

     The resistor is used to reduce the flow of current, divide voltages, adjust signal levels and many more. This 3.3k resistor has colour code of Orange,Orange  , Black ,Brown and Brown

  • 56K Resistor

    56K Resistor

     The resistor is used to reduce the flow of current, divide voltages, adjust signal levels and many more. This 56k resistor has colour code of Green , Blue , Black, Red and Brown.