IRFZ44N Transistor
The IRFZ44N transistor is the N channel MOSFET transistor from international rectifier. It provides the best combination of fast switching, ruggedized device design, low on- resistance and cost effectiveness. It has TO-220AB package which is universally preferred for commercial industrial applications at power dissipation levels to approximately 50 W. It has low thermal resistance and low package cost respectively.
Availability: In Stock
Name | IRFZ44N Transistor |
Type Of Transistor | MOSFET |
Type Of Control Channel | N -Channel |
Maximum Power Dissipation | 150 W |
Maximum Drain-Source Voltage | 60 V |
Maximum Drain Current | 35 A |
Maximum Junction Temperature | 150 °C |
Maximum Drain-Source On-State Resistance | 0.028 Ohm |
Operating Temperature | 175° C |
Package | TO-220AB |
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