RF Module 315 mhz
Rf Module 315 mhz consist of transmitter and receiver module used for transmitting data via RF. Its frequency range is 315mhxz. They easily fit into a breadboard and work well with microcontrollers to create a very simple wireless data link. They are mostly used in Wireless calling system, burglar alarm, wireless data transmission, automated data acquisition system , DIY projects and many more. It has wider range of working voltage with stable performance.
BC 547 Transistor
The BC547 Transistor is an NPN bi-polar junction transistor which has the function of amplifing current. It is mainly used for mainly used for amplification and switching purposes. It has a maximum current gain of 800. It is also equivalent to transistors named BC548 and BC549.
BC 548 Transistor
The BC548 Transistor is an NPN bi-polar junction transistor which has the function of amplifing current. It is mainly used for mainly used for amplification and switching purposes. It has a maximum current gain of 800. It is also equivalent to transistors named BC548 and BC549.
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BC 558 Transistor
The BC558 Transistor is general purpose PNP transistor. It is used in switching and amplifier applications. It is also a complement for transistors BC546 to BC550.
IRFZ44N Transistor
The IRFZ44N transistor is the N channel MOSFET transistor from international rectifier. It provides the best combination of fast switching, ruggedized device design, low on- resistance and cost effectiveness. It has TO-220AB package which is universally preferred for commercial industrial applications at power dissipation levels to approximately 50 W. It has low thermal resistance and low package cost respectively.
L7809CV IC
The L7809CV IC is a 9V positive third terminal voltage regulator which can remove problems that are related with single point regulation by providing local on-card regulation. It has feature of safe area protection with the addition of internal thermal shutdown and current limiting. The regulated output voltages can be applicable in logic systems, instrumentation, HiFi and other solid state electronic equipments.
The IRF9450N IC is a International Rectifier based on HEXFETs P-Channel Power MOSFET Transistor Module. It utilizes advanced processing techniques to achieve extremely low on resistance per silicon area. It has various features such as: - Advanced process technology, Dynamic dv/dt rating, fast switching, fully avalanche rated and many more. It provides designer with an extremely efficient and reliable device for use in a wide variety of applications like: - Amplifier, switching, automobile, lighting and so on.