It is a multi-chip module (MCM) consisting of two dies integrated into a single QFN package. It is based on I2C Address, Address: 0x68 by default, 0x69 if AD0 is pulled high.The electronic component also features an embedded temperature sensor. This module includes pull-up resistors on the SDA, SCL, and nCS lines, pull-down resistors on the FSYNC and AD0 lines, and an onboard 3.3V voltage regulator allowing you to power the module from 5V sources such as an Arduino. It has GPS navigation systems.It has various features like Gaming and virtual reality input devices has added too.It has motion-activated functions too.It has Intelligent power saving for handheld devices.
Availability: In Stock
Power Supply | 4.4 to 6.5 V or 3.3V (if you solder the solder jumper near the on-board voltage regulator) |
Gyro range | ± 250 500 1000 2000 ° / s |
Acceleration range | ± 2 ± 4 ± 8 ± 16g |
Magnetic field range | ± 4800uT |
Degree of Freedom (DOF) | 9 |
Interface | I2C |
Length (mm) | 25 |
Width (mm) | 15 |
Height (mm) | 3.5 |
Weight (gm) | 5 |
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