
Arduino Uno R3 - Original Made in Italy


2Way Speed Measuring Sensor

4 Infrared Avoidence Module

4 Infrared Avoidence Module transmit the IR signal (radiation) in a direction and a signal is received at the IR receiver when the IR radiation bounces back from a surface of the object.This electronic sensor includes 4 IR sensors and main board to handle all the signals. Each IR reflective sensor is composed of an IR emitter and a receiver, if something is in the measuring range, the sensor would outputs related signal. There are also 4 potentiometers on the main board so that the measuring range can be adjusted as you wish.


In Category:
  • Sensors
  • Availability: In Stock

    Sensor Type Infrared
    Channel 4 Channel
    Operating Voltage Range 3.3V – 5V
    Operating Current >1A
    Operating temperature -10 C - +50 C
    Detecting Range 1 to 60 mm
    Output Interface 6-wire (1234: signal output, +: positive supply -: ground)
    Output signal TTL level
    Mounting Hole M3 screws
    Dimension (mm) Central control board:42(L) × 38(W) × 12(H) Small board:25(L) × 12(W) × 12(H)
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