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  • Weight Sensor 5kg

    Weight Sensor 5kg

    The 5Kgs Weight Sensor also known as load cell or strain gauge is made up of aluminum – alloy designed to measure force in one direction. It has maximum capacity of 5KG reading. It ignores other force applied while is measure the specific force. It is applicable in small jewelry scales, kitchen scales, electronic scales and many more. It required a load cell amplifier such as a HX711 load cell amplifier, or spark fun open scale or 1046 PhidgetBridge for electrical signal output.

  • Weight Sensor 20kg

    Weight Sensor 20kg

    The 20 Kg Weight sensor also known as load cell or strain gauge is made up of aluminum – alloy designed to measure force in one direction. It has maximum capacity of 20 KG reading. It ignores other force applied while is measure the specific force. It is applicable in small jewelry scales, kitchen scales, electronic scales and many more. It required a load cell amplifier such as a  HX711 load cell amplifier , or spark fun open scale or 1046 Phidget Bridge for electrical signal output.

  • Angular Velocity (GY-50)

    Angular Velocity (GY-50)

    The Gy-50 Angular velocity Sensor is a sensor module that has a full scale of ±250/±500/±2000 dps. It is capable of measuring rates according to the user’s bandwidth selection. The applicable fields for this sensor module are gaming, 3D motion control, Virtual reality input devices, Robotics, UAV, IMU systems and many more.

  • LGZD Sensor (Turbidity sensor)

    LGZD Sensor (Turbidity sensor)

    The LGZD Sensor Module is a Turbidity Sensor for Water Monitoring module. It has features of monitoring of water turbidity in rivers, streams, lakes, water boxes, catchment and research sites, laboratories, tanks with liquids and etc. It is Compatible with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, AVR, PIC, etc