
Arduino Uno R3 - Original Made in Italy


MPU 92/65 Gyroscope and accelerometer module 3 axis

GY-273 Hmc 5883L 3 axis magnetic field compass module

The GY-273 HMC5883L module is a three-axis magnetic field module that has the features of sensing low magnetic field with a digital interface for application such as low cost compassing and magnetometry. It is also called three axis magneto resistive sensors. It uses I2C serial bus which allows for easy interface

In Category:
  • Basic Electronics Components
  • modules
  • component
  • Availability: In Stock

    Name GY-273 HMC5883L Module
    Module Power Supply 3-5v
     Measuring Range ± 1.3-8 Gauss.
     Communication modes Standard IIC Communication Protocol
    Supply Voltage VCC 3.3 to 6 V
    Heading Accuracy 1° to 2°
    Magnetic Field Range -8 to +8 Gauss
    I2C Address 0x1E (7-bit address)
    Max Data Rate 160 Hz
    Digital Voltage Level 3.3V
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