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  • LED Matrix With Controller

    LED Matrix With Controller

    The LED Matrix with Controller is an 8 X 8 LED Dot Matrix Display Module based on the MAX7219 controller. It includes of 5 wire fem to fem ribbon cable. These displays also can be connected together to form a larger display without taking up extra pins. This Module can be perfect choice for an Arduino project requiring a LED display. 

  • 1.3 inch Oled Display

    1.3 inch Oled Display

    The 1.3 inch OLED (Organic Light –Emitting Diode) LCD display module use SH1106 Driver module. It is a self-light emitting technology with multi layered organic film placed between an anode and cathode. It has high application potential for virtually all types of displays with ultra-low power consumption feature.

  • 7 Segment Led Display

    7 Segment Led Display

    The 7 segment led display is 1 digit Led display with high intensity output. It is used for displaying decimal numerals that is an alternative to the more complex dot matrix displays. It consumption low power with easy assemble on a printed circuit board.

  • ESP32 Oled Display

    ESP32 Oled Display

    ESP32 Oled Display is 2.4 GHz dual mode Wi-Fi and Bluetooth integrated with antenna and RF balun. It has features like power amplifier, low noise amplifiers. It is easy to embedded to other products and supports lwIP protocol, freertos , for lua program.

  • 4 Digit 7 Segment  Display Big
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    4 Digit 7 Segment Display Big

    The 4-digit 7-segment display is a seven digit display module that has a common anode with feature of one decimal point per digit. These LEDs have a forward voltage of DC-3v and max forward current of 20mA. The apostrophe and colon points are individually controllable.  The hardware interface is composed of sixteen (two rows of eight) hole- pins. The LEDs display can be in RED, Yellow or Green.

  • RGB Led

    RGB Led

    The RGB LED is a triple output LED RGB(Red Green Blue) with four pins. Triple output one for each color with a common cathode. It can be used for three status indicators or pulse width that modulates all three and gets mixed colors.

  • 8*8 Matrix Board RGB

    8*8 Matrix Board RGB

    The 8 x 8 RGB LED Dot Matrix Module is a RGB Led Dot Matrix Module. It is useful for both industrial and commercial information displays. It has features like :- directly supports Arduino, High speed data transmission design which improves the display refresh rate, simplifies the driving way and so on. It is applicable in various sectors like :- Arduino teaching, DIY project development, SCM learning and experiment and many more.

  • 8*8 Matrix Board Red

    8*8 Matrix Board Red

    The 8 x 8 RGB LED Dot Matrix Module(Red) is LED display module that emits red color. It is suitable for both the commercial and Industrial sectors. It can be applicable in audio equipment, Instrument panels, digital read out display and many more.

  • 2.2 Inch LCD Display
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    2.2 Inch LCD Display

    The 2.2inch LCD Display Module is display module that support input voltage of 5V/3.3V and serial SPI mode. This display module has ILI9341 IC drive. It is suitable for LCD lovers who pursuit display effect, who are new to touch the color screen and and the microcontroller enthusiasts learners.

  • 8*8 Matrix Controller RGB
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    8*8 Matrix Controller RGB

    The 8*8 Matrix Controller RGB Development Board is an Arduino compatible board that is specially designed to drive a 3 color RGB LED dot matrix displays. It uses an ATmega328p device loaded with the Arduino boot loader which allows the development board to be programmed directly from the Arduino development environment (via a suitable TTL serial adaptor). It has various features like: - Full 24bit RGB color control with 6 bit color correction, Includes hardware constant current PWM driver, Serial and I2C interfaces allowing for daisy-chaining of additional modules etc. It can be suitable for various applications like: - Data logging, Remote sensor node, Robotic control and many more.

  • 1.5 Inch Seven Segment Display
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    1.5 Inch Seven Segment Display

    The 7 segment led display is 1 digit Led display with high intensity output. It is used for displaying decimal numerals that is an alternative to the more complex dot matrix displays. It consumption low power with easy assemble on a printed circuit board.

  • 2.2 Inch Seven Segment Display
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    2.2 Inch Seven Segment Display

    The 7 segment led display is 1 digit Led display with high intensity output. It is used for displaying decimal numerals that is an alternative to the more complex dot matrix displays. It consumption low power with easy assemble on a printed circuit board.