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ST-LINK/V2 (Debugging and Programming)
The ST-LINK/V2 is an in-circuit debugging and programming for the microcontroller families STM8 and STM32 . The single wire interface module (SWIM) and JTAG/serial wire debugging (SWD) interfaces are used. To communicate with any STM8 or STM32 microcontroller located on an application board the SWIM (single wire interface module) and SWD (JTAG/serial wire debugging interfaces) are used. It has a direct firmware update feature supported as well as status LED which blinks during communication with the PC. It has USB 2.0 full speed compatible interface.
Breadboard Normal MB 102
This Solderless MB 102 breadboard has altogether 830 tie points with 630 tie point terminal strip and 200 tie point distribution strips. It can be used to build and test simple circuits. It has a sticky bottom for attaching it to surface. The pins identified by numbers rows and columns.
Out of Stock-5%
Accelerometer GY-61 (ADXL335)
The Accelerometer GY-61(ADXL335) can be defined as a triple-axis accelerometer that has the features such as compact in size, low power consumption so that it provides the voltage output of signal disposal. It can measure magnetic field with the range of +/- 3g. It can also detect the application of static gravity, sports, vibration acceleration in dynamics. The accelerometer GY-61(ADXL335) is applicable in various electronic products or DIY projects.
MPU 92/65 Gyroscope and accelerometer module 3 axis
The Mpu92/65 Module is three axis gyroscope + triaxial accelerometer module. It can be used for handset and portable gaming, motion command technology, motion –enabled game and application framework and many more. It use standard communication IIC / SPI communications protocol
Out of Stock-5%
Drill Bit Plastic Box
The PCB Drill Bits are the micro drill bits made from Imported Tungsten Steel Solid Carbide. It helps to improve hole drilling quality i.e. good work. It is suitable for various things such as :- PCB, SMT, CNC, mould, plastics, copper, stainless steel, etc. precision hardware processing.
Out of Stock-40%
A4988 Stepper Driver
The A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier is a breakout board for Allegro’s A4988 microstepping bipolar stepper motor driver that has the features of adjustable current limiting, over current and over temperature protection. It operates from 8 V to 35 V. It can be applicable for various DIY projects.
Out of Stock-64%
3D Rod Screw Yellow Only
The 3D Rod Screw Yellow is a T8 Brass Nut for 8mm threaded rod stainless lead screw. It can be applicable in various sectors like :- 3D printer, Reprap Z axis, CNC, etc. as well as DIY projects.
Orange Pi Big Case
The Orange Pi Big Case is an aryclic body material case for Orange Pi lite development board module. It is transparent in color.
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Waterproof Plastic Project Box 11.5×9×5.5 cm
The Waterproof Plastic Project Box 11.5×9×5.5 cm is a very useful waterproof plastic enclosure project box for electronic instruments and DIY projects. Its size is 11.5×9×5.5 cm. It has many features like: - Portable in size and light weight, waterproof box, cost effective and so on.
37 in 1 sensor kit for all applications. Providing various simple to complex sensor interfaces for embedded teaching.
Out of Stock-6%
Soldering Station Digital
The Gunaisi 937A digital soldering station is one of the qualitative products for wielding. This soldering station consists of various features that are applicable in different electrical projects. This soldering station has controlled temperature of 200 ~ 500ºC .It also consists of LED display for better functions.
Landing Gear
The Landing Gear is a Big Landing Gear Module which is designed for DJI F550 and F450. It is anti-slip design as it consists of Tarot made up of foam. It is fit for GOPRO damping braket, Haeundae, Lightweight FPV camera, Photo receiver etc.