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  • K-Type Thermocouple Module Max6675

    K-Type Thermocouple Module Max6675

    The Thermocouple sensor module is used for measuring the accurate temperature of substance, with the help of type-K thermocouple wire the module performs cold- junction compensation and then digitizes the signal. The output data is in 12-bit resolution whit SPI-compatible ready only format. It is mostly used in industries  also in home and for other projects. 

  • DS3231 Clock Module

    DS3231 Clock Module

    DS3231 High precision clock module are used for various electronic products or DIY project with Programmable square-wave output.It contains a battery input, disconnect the main power supply and maintains accurate timekeeping. Integrated oscillator improve long-term accuracy of the device and reduces the number of components of the production line,contains Calendar alarm clock with two programmable square-wave output Can be cascaded with other IIC device, 24C32 addresses can be shorted A0/A1/A2 modify default address is 0x57.RTC It keeps Real time clock generator seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month and year timing and provide valid until the year 2100 leap year compensation.

  • Soil Moisture Sensor

    Soil Moisture Sensor

    The Soil Moisture Sensor is equipped potentiometer and soil moisture thresholds. It determine the moisture of the soil and helps in automatically water garden under soil humidity control.it has digital switching indicator LED. It can also prevent contact with the soil from rust problems.

  • DHT 11 Module

    DHT 11 Module

    DHT11 module is digital humidity and temperature sensor mostly used for detecting humidity and temperature of surrounding environment and outputs a digital signal on the data pin. It is durable and has anti-interference ability.  IT can be easily connected to arduino or microcontroller through the cable included. It has low power consumption with easy installation. 

  • DHT 22 Sensor

    DHT 22 Sensor

    The DHT22 sensor   measure the temperature and humidity of surrounding air and spits out a digital signal in the data. This sensor is completely interchangeable, fully automated calibration, more accurate and works in a bigger range of temperature/humidity. This sensor can be used in home appliances, weather stations humidity regulator and other related humidity detection control.

  • DHT  22 Module

    DHT 22 Module

    The DHT22 AM2302 Module is a temperature and humidity sensor module that has outstanding features like: - Ultra low power, High accuracy, Excellent long term stability, Standard digital single-bus output and many more. It is a high accuracy sensor module that is useful for measurement of temperature and humidity. It can be applicable in various fields like: - Testing and inspection equipment, Consumer goods, HV AC, Home appliances, Humidity regulator, Weather stations and many more. 

  • DS18B20  Temperature Sensor DS 18b20
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    DS18B20 Temperature Sensor DS 18b20

    The DS18B20 Sensor IC is a Digital Thermometer Integrated Circuit that provides 9-bit to 12-bit Celsius temperature measurements and also has an alarm function. It has various features like: - Requires no external components, Software compatible with the DS1822, Thermometer resolution is user selectable from 9 to 12 Bits, Unique 1-wire interface requires only one port pin for communication, a unique 64-bit serial code stored in an on-board Rom and many more. It can be suitable for various applications like Thermostatic controls, Industrial systems, Consumer products, Thermometers, or any thermally sensitive system etc.

  • Temperature And Humidity Sensor Module High Precision Humidity Sensor AHT20 Probe

    Temperature And Humidity Sensor Module High Precision Humidity Sensor AHT20 Probe

    AHT20, a new generation of temperature and humidity sensors, establishes a new standard in size and intelligence:
    it is embedded in a double-row flat, leadless SMD package suitable for reflow welding, with a base of 3 x 3mm and a height of 1.0mm.
    The sensor outputs calibrated digital signals in standard I2C format.
    AHT20 is equipped with a new design of ASIC chips, an improved MEMS capacitive humidity sensor semiconductor element and a standard on
     the piece of temperature sensing element, its performance has been greatly improve even beyond the reliability level of the previous generation of sensors,
    a new generation of temperature and humidity sensor, the improved to make it more stable performance in harsh environments.
    Each sensor is calibrated and tested and has a lot number printed on the surface of the product.Improved and miniaturized sensors make it more cost-effective,
    and eventually all equipment will benefit from cutting-edge energy-efficient operating modes.

  • AMG8833IR8*8 Thermal Imager Array Temperatur Sensor Module

    AMG8833IR8*8 Thermal Imager Array Temperatur Sensor Module

    1. The AMG8833 infrared camera sensor is an 8x8 infrared thermal sensor array. When connected to your microcontroller (or Raspberry Pi), it will return a set of 64 individual infrared temperature readings via I2C. It's like those fancy thermal cameras, but it's compact and simple and easy to integrate. The AMG8833 offers higher performance than the previous AMG8831. The sensor only supports I2C and has a configurable interrupt pin that can be triggered when any single pixel is above or below your set threshold.
    2. It can detect humans from a distance of up to 7 meters (23) feet. It is a perfect fit for creating your own human detector or mini camera. We use this breakthrough code on Arduino or compatible (sensor communicates via I2C) or on Python's Raspberry Pi. On the Pi, thanks to the image processing help of the SciPy python library, we can insert an 8x8 grid and get some very good results!

  • DHT11 Temperature and humidity Sensor

    DHT11 Temperature and humidity Sensor

    The DHT11 is a commonly used Temperature and humidity sensor that comes with a dedicated NTC to measure temperature and an 8-bit microcontroller to output the values of temperature and humidity as serial data.