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  • 28 Pin Zip IC Socket
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    28 Pin Zip IC Socket

    The 28 Pin ZIF Dip IC test board socket are commonly used on programming units and IC testers, transistors. It is easy to remove and to program ICs with great pin contact with a lever. It is also known as IC sockets.

  • Breadboard Normal MB 102

    Breadboard Normal MB 102

    This Solderless MB 102 breadboard has altogether 830 tie points with 630 tie point terminal strip and 200 tie point distribution strips. It can be used to build and test simple circuits.  It has a sticky bottom for attaching it to surface. The pins identified by numbers rows and columns. 

  • 6 Pin IC Base

    6 Pin IC Base

    The 6  Pin IC base is commonly used removable holder that helps to soldered directly to the PCB while the IC can be interchangeable. It is used for those IC which is temperature sensitive and cannot be soldered to the board. It can be used for multiple DIY projects and other application requiring replaceable ICs.

  • 14 Pin IC Base
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    14 Pin IC Base

    The 14  Pin IC base is commonly used removable holder that helps to soldered directly to the PCB while the IC can be interchangeable. It is used for those IC which is temperature sensitive and cannot be soldered to the board. It can be used for multiple DIY projects and other application requiring replaceable ICs.

  • 18 Pin IC Base

    18 Pin IC Base

    The 18 Pin IC Base Socket is a socket for IC having 18 terminal pins. It is made from black thermoplastic and tin-plated alloy contacts which generally used for preventing it from damage. It prevents IC from soldering and while testing multiple circuits

  • USB To RS232 Cable

    USB To RS232 Cable

    The USB to RS232 Serial Adapter Cable helps to connect any PC, Laptop or desktop computer through a USB port. It is a cost effective solution so that it is compatible with all popular PDAs, modems, printers, bar code scanners, etc. It is portable and easy to carry anywhere

  • Accelerometer GY-61 (ADXL335)
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    Accelerometer GY-61 (ADXL335)

    The Accelerometer GY-61(ADXL335) can be defined as a triple-axis accelerometer that has the features such as compact in size, low power consumption so that it provides the voltage output of signal disposal. It can measure magnetic field with the range of +/- 3g. It can also detect the application of static gravity, sports, vibration acceleration in dynamics. The accelerometer GY-61(ADXL335) is applicable in various electronic products or DIY projects.

  • 3D Rod Screw Yellow Only
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    3D Rod Screw Yellow Only

    The 3D Rod Screw Yellow is a T8 Brass Nut for 8mm threaded rod stainless lead screw. It can be applicable in various sectors like :-  3D printer,  Reprap Z axis, CNC, etc. as well as DIY projects.

  • Hotbed Borosilicate Glass
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    Hotbed Borosilicate Glass

    The Hotbed Borosilicate Glass is a glass that  fills the entire heated surface, with chamfers on the corners. It is applicable for 3D printers, DIY projects and many more.

  • Ultrasonic Sensor Holder Small

    Ultrasonic Sensor Holder Small

    The DMDG Mounted Holder for Ultrasonic Sensor Module is a holder for HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor distance measuring module. It is reliable and durable in characteristics. It is specially used for holding sensor more effectively. 

  • Waterproof Plastic Project Box 11.5×9×5.5 cm
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    Waterproof Plastic Project Box 11.5×9×5.5 cm

    The Waterproof Plastic Project Box 11.5×9×5.5 cm is a very useful waterproof plastic enclosure project box for electronic instruments and DIY projects. Its size is 11.5×9×5.5 cm. It has many features like:  - Portable in size and light weight, waterproof box, cost effective and so on.

  • Breadboard Mini

    Breadboard Mini

    The Breadboard Mini is a Half sized breadboard that is a suitable breadboard for prototyping small to medium projects. This breadboard is ideal for making electrical connections and for testing purposes. The breadboard has 400 point with standard 0.1" (2.54mm) pitch. It is also great for electronic and electrical experiments. It works great with Arduino