
Arduino Uno R3 - Original Made in Italy


1K ,1W Resistor

20cm Threaded Rod

The 20 cm Threaded Rod is a Stainless Lead CNC Linear Shaft Rail Screw Rod of 200 mm total length. It has a pitch and diameter of 2 mm and 8 mm respectively. It has various features like: - Durable and easy to use, used in stepper motor, Machine Tool, and other equipment, direct connected to bearing , stainless function and many more. It can be suitable for 3D printers, engraving machine, XYZ module, slider, lifts etc. It is also useful for many CNC projects as well.

In Category:
  • Basic Electronics Components
  • Robotics and CNC
  • CNC
  • 3D Printing
  • Printing Accessories
  • Availability: In Stock

    Name 20 cm Threaded Rod
    Material Stainless Steel / Aluminum
    Diameter Approx.8mm
    Pitch Approx.2mm
    Lead Approx.2mm(Single Start, 2mm Per Turn)
    Total Length Approx.200mm
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