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  • 3mm Photo Diode Led

    3mm Photo Diode Led

    A 3mm photodiode is a semiconductor device that converts light into voltage or current, based on the mode of operation of the device. It has fast response times with high speed detector and radiant sensitivity. It can be used in Game machine, Automatic door sensor, Copier etc.

  • 1N4007 Diode

    1N4007 Diode

    Diode is an electronic device that is used to permit the flow of current. It helps to conduct current in one direction, forward direction or in the reverse direction. It can be used as oscillators, rectifiers, signal modulators and demodulators, switches, voltage regulators etc. It is a specialized component with two electrodes i.e. anode and cathode. Where, Anode has high resistance to the flow of the current in one direction and Cathode has low resistance in the other direction.

  • Laser  Diode

    Laser Diode

    The Laser Diode is a low cost red dot laser diode in copper casing. Its mean wave length is  650nm and the power rating is 5mw.

  • Zener Diode

    Zener Diode

    A Zener Diode is a Silicon Planar Zener Diode. It allows current to flow not only from its anode to its cathode but also in the reverse direction when the Zener voltage is reached. It has various features like: - High reliability, Very sharp reverse characteristic, Low reverses current level and many more. It can be suitable for applications related to voltage stabilization and so on.

  • 1N5408 Diode

    1N5408 Diode

    1N5408 Diode consists of a diffused junction and has high current capability as well low forward voltage drop. It also has low reverse leakage current, consists of lead free finish and it RoH8 compliant.

  • 1n4148 Diode

    1n4148 Diode

    1n4148 Diode is a standard silicon switching signal diode. Due to its dependable specifications and low cost, it is considered a popular and long-lived switching diode. Its name follows the JEDEC nomenclature. It is useful in switching applications up to about 100 MHz with a reverse-recovery time of no more than 4 ns.

  • 3mm Photo Diode Led

    3mm Photo Diode Led

    A 3mm photodiode is a semiconductor device that converts light into voltage or current, based on the mode of operation of the device. It has fast response times with high speed detector and radiant sensitivity. It can be used in camera , medical devices, safety equipment’s making of line robots etc.

  • Diode Pack (IN5819 IN4007 IN5408 IN5399 IN4148  IN5822 FR107 FR207 ) -100pcs

    Diode Pack (IN5819 IN4007 IN5408 IN5399 IN4148 IN5822 FR107 FR207 ) -100pcs

    Schottky Diodes:

    • 1N5819 – 40V, 1A, fast recovery, low voltage drop ----- 10PCS
    • 1N5822 – 40V, 3A, low forward voltage drop----- 5PCS

    Fast Recovery Diodes:

    • FR107 – 1000V, 1A, fast recovery------10PCS
    • FR207 – 1000V, 2A, fast recovery-------10PCS

    Standard Rectifier Diodes:

    • 1N4007 – 1000V, 1A, general-purpose rectifier--------25PCS
    • 1N5408 – 1000V, 3A, power rectifier------ 5PCS
    • 1N5399 – 1000V, 1.5A, general-purpose rectifier------10PCS

    Signal Diode:

    • 1N4148 – High-speed switching diode, 100V, 300mA -------25PCS